Globaloria 1st Annual STEM Games Competition: Top Five
The competition was fierce, but these five teams came out on top! Play their STEM games here, then take a peek 'behind the scenes' at their development process, as seen on their Team pages.


Grand Prize Winner: Math Runner
Team: XxMonstaBullMalachiXx
School: Eastern Greenbrier Middle School, Ronceverte, WV


Grand Prize Winner: WV Animal Rescue Squad
Team: The Epic Failz
School: Liberty High School, Raleigh, WV


Finalist: Addition Man
Team: The Lean Mean Gaming Machines
School: Sandy River Middle School, Avondale, WV


Finalist: Don’t Be Mean, Go Green
Team: The Flying Penguins
School: Greenbrier East High School, Ronceverte, WV


Finalist: Water Waster Saver
Team: Ryan’s Robotic Robots
School: Eastern Greenbrier Middle School, Ronceverte, WV
